Free Consultation

✔ One 30-minute free phone consultation to ask questions and decide whether Life & Mental Health Coaching is a fit for your teen.

Block of 8 Sessions ($500)

✔ Weekly, one-hour private and personalized coaching sessions

✔ Ideal for youth needing re-direction and focus in their lives

Block of 4 Sessions ($275)

✔ Weekly, one-hour private and personalized coaching sessions

✔ Good for those unsure about a longer commitment or those needing coaching for a smaller, specific goal

Individual Sessions ($75)

✔ One-hour private coaching session

✔ This session may include mental health support such as stress management, anxiety control, anger management, and / or talk-it-out time*

Add-on Sessions ($50)

✔ One-hour private session can be added on in the same week as an individual session or program session

✔ Ideal for teens really struggling or looking for more frequent support

All prices are in Canadian Dollars. For international clients, sessions are available via Skype, Zoom, or by phone.

* Talk-it-out time is when the youth has a problem or issue that they may want to talk about in a safe, non-judgmental environment and receive coaching guidance, if required, on how to deal with the issue.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

Nelson Mandela